19 Sets LED Totems of Tecnon Smart Display Has Officially Put Into Operation at Hunnan New Town of Shenyang City

In April 2020, more intelligent display terminals were put into operation in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. A total of 19 sets P3.846 outdoor LED Totems, which were made by Tecnon Smart Display, were serviced for toll gate station. It should be noted that Hunnan New City Station is divided into Hunnan New City East Station and Hunnan New City West Station with Shendan Line as the boundary. Among them, there are 4 sets of LED Totem at the entrance and exit of Hunnan New City East Station. 7 sets of exit stations at the Hunnan New City West Station and 4 sets at the entrance station. A total of 11 advertising machines were finished installation. This project can improve the management efficiency of Hunnan New City Station and further promote Shenyang's development towards a smart city.


The entry of LED Totems has broken the usual dull scene of Hunnan New City Station and added a vitality of modern technology. When the eradication of a billboard and advertising light box at major toll booths across the country is rising, outdoor LED Totem took the chance to replace the old boring light box and billboard, to make the information display on Hunnan New City Station more exciting. The simplified operation methods, powerful practical functions, excellent outdoor work ability, and highly environmentally friendly and energy-saving design are all more favored by administrators.


Thanks to the current rapid development of Internet of Things, big data and other technologies, LED Totem relies on the Internet and performs remote management and control through PC or mobile APP. The administrator can adjust the programs on the display screen anytime and anywhere with sufficient authority. The LED Totem supports various types of program content, time, news, weather forecast, advertising, emergency news insertion, etc. In addition to display, LED advertising machine is also compatible with voice broadcasting, video surveillance, one-key alarm, license plate number recognition and other functions, to realize the centralized management of One Screen Controls All, and promote the implementation of automatic intelligent management of toll stations.


But what has to be said is that no matter how powerful the device is, if it can't keep up with the survival ability, it is showy but not practical project, which is flashy and cannot stand the test of time. Therefore, the outdoor working stability and durability of the LED Totem must be guaranteed to be practical for a long time. The outdoor LED Totem produced by Tecnon Smart Display has good performance in waterproof, dustproof, anti-leakage, high and low temperature resistance, etc., and has a good reputation in the industry.


In addition, the LED Totem has a strong energy saving and environmental protection concept. The body is designed with aluminum alloy, which has strong outdoor anti-corrosion ability and can be recycled and reused. The components such as power supply, IC, temperature control fan are energy-saving customization as well. It really meets Shenyang's requirements for the healthy and sustainable development of smart cities.


Hunnan New City Station project is not the first time Shenyang City has realized the smart upgrade of the toll station. Prior to this, there have been two cases of Shenyang Toll Station and Taoxian Toll Station, and Shenyang West Station was upgraded at the same time as Hunnan New City Station , Shenyang East Station, Changqing Street Station, Beiliguan Station, Shenfu New District Station, Dongling Station and many other high-speed toll stations. As the city becomes more and more intelligent, it is believed that smart LED Totem will only help toll stations upgrade and upgrade projects.


As the organizer of this project, Tecnon Smart Display has always focused on the subdivision fields of smart display screens such as LED Totem and LED pole screens. Although it has achieved good results, it has not stopped moving forward. but it is more concentrated on research and development, committed to creating a smarter, more beautiful and more practical smart LED Display, thereby enhancing brand awareness and further expanding the market.

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